What we offer

Video training packages

icommunicate works alongside a person with disability to guide the development of INDIVIDUALISED video packages.

Take control and build a series of videos to train your support workers independently on how you like to be hoisted, how you like your toast cooked etc….
It is time to put yourself at the centre of your support and start receiving quality support!

Your video packages will ensure that you are always heard and safely supported in everything you do.
These individualised video packages are also a fantastic way that service providers can support you to make every decision.

To find out more about our video bundles, contact us or click here.

AAC Mentoring

I have a deep passion to support others increase their communication skills, especially those with physical disability.

Taking on AAC at an early age, I feel I am perfectly positioned as a mentor and trainer to those who are on their AAC journey.

I have the most experience in Prentke Romich Company devices, LAMP and Misspeak, however I have the ability to support others who use other technologies.

While I do not have the mobility

Service Provider information

As a service provider, prioritising autonomy and empowerment is paramount. Central to achieving this goal is fostering an environment where individuals with disability have the agency to make decisions that affect their lives.

We commend your organisation’s dedication to ensuring that individuals with disability, particularly those with higher support needs, are actively engaged and valued in the decision- making process, including the development of their support plans and the training of their support workers according to their preferences.

Offering personalised training videos represents an excellent method for service providers to empower participants to take charge of their own lives. Stuccoes Indi cate that individuals with disability often seek alternative providers due to feeling unheard or undervalues within larger organisations.
By facilitating the creation of an individualised video packages, your organisation not only enables participants to shape their supports but also ensures they consistently feel validated and respected.
This approach opens up a realm of possibilities for individuals with disability to steer their support systems effectively.