Our Video Package Bundle
At icommunicate, we understand you are unique! This is why we have a couple of different bundles to choose from.
· 3 x 2hrs meetings to discuss what it takes to build an unique video package
o How could personalized a video package benefit you?
o What tools and skills will you need?
o How you put these ideas into actions
· Idea development bundle
· 2 x 2hrs meetings which we’ll mentor you to make your first video and support you to upload it to an accessible platform
o What is the purpose of this video? How you write the script
o How you film the video. What do you want to show in this video?
o How you upload this video to a platform that is easy and accessible for me. How do you make sure others can access the video?
· Idea development bundle
· Get started bundle
· Contact us (via your preferred communication method), if things change for you, or you need help problem solving, troubleshooting or maybe you need more ideas
Please e-mail us to discuss which bundle is right for you!